Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Look Into Your Eyes

As I sit and look into your eyes,
I can read your mind;
I can see the void inside your head,
And feel the fear and hatred.
It does not only exist in you,
But in all the youth around us.

The people who said they were right,
They said they knew because they'd already lived;
But were they right? I know,
They tried to live the future,
As a correction of the past.
Now we'll be left to look ahead alone.

The things we are left to cope with,
Every country completely equipped;
To destroy vast numbers of mankind.
The hatred runs high,
Peace has been lost in the mists of time,
Desolation is the only survivor.

If I look deep into your eyes,
I can see the fear and hatred,
That hides behind the blue mask of happiness;
I can see through your smiles,
As you try to display confidence and knowledge.
You're as scared as the rest of the world.

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