Monday, May 21, 2007

The return

They're back.
I hear them screaming, as I lie in my bed,
Tensed as I listen to them close by.

Then I wait.
I relax, as their screaching comes closer,
Calmed by their playful cry.

They are swifts.
Returned for the summer, I feel joyful,
Watching them wheel and race in the sky.

Monday, February 12, 2007


Your fingertips lightly brush my hand,
I smell the sweet warmth of your skin.
Your eyelashes whisper against my cheek,
Your breath hot on my neck.

Your arms fold me to you,
I feel your strength overwhelm me.
Your love floods through my veins,
Your energy infuses my body.

Your touch is electifying,
I feel the intensity of your emotion.
Your fingers entwine with mine,
Your eyes read my mind.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Winter Light

Beautiful winter light,
Turning everything it touches golden.
Soft icy breeze,
Fluttering the leaves still clinging.

The tide is lapping,
Beginning to flood the sodden marshes.
At the edge,
Birds wadding and dotting inbetween waves.

Above distant trees,
Bright colours stripe into the sky.
The buzzard flies,
Swans gracefully arrive on the water.

The light fades,
Dark clouds are starting to gather.
The sun turns grey,
Weak, it's light hidden and dull.

The spit of rain,
Blown in a strengthening wind.
Birds quieten,
Darting for cover, hiding from the storm.

An arctic blast,
Tiny specks of snow aimlessly whirling.
The grip of winter,
As snow clouds bring a different light.